Tuesday, August 30, 2011


 This is Lake McDonald - the largest lake in Glacier N.P.   One of my first stops along the Going to the Sun Road.  The name of the road fits....

St. Mary's Lake was my favorite.  The water is an incredible shade of blue and it has wonderful little islands.

 This tiny little island is the most famous in St. Mary's Lake called Wild Goose Island. 

This shot was taken along the road to Many Glacier - another section of the park on the western side.  It was on the way to my hotel - The Many Glacier.  This hotel is another built by the railroad for tourists. 

The Many Glacier Hotel

The sunrise at Many Glacier over the lake was magic!  The mountains changed from blue to rosy pink to golden.  Mt. Grinnell is to the right and is a famous peak with a glacier named for it.
The beautiful Prince of Wales Hotel (another built by the railroad) in Waterton, Alberta.  This is where I had tea.


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