Sunday, August 21, 2011

Glacier or Bust!!

I got excited when I saw that I have "followers" now on this blog!  I'm so glad that you will be going along with me on my Rocky Mountain Adventure!  I admit I am having major butterflies (and seriously questioning my sanity) since this is my first big trip on my own.  But I think Russell will be watching over me - I'll be traveling the week of what would have been our 30th anniversary.  I've been planning and researching this trip for years and I do feel as prepared as I can be.

Here is the brief itinerary:
8/26:  Arrive in Kalispell, MT / Overnight near Glacier N.P.
8/27:  Travel through Glacier N. P. on the "Going to the Sun Road" / Overnight in Park
8/28:  Travel to Waterton National Park, Waterton, Alberta (Canada!!) / Overnight here
8/29:  Travel to Banff, AB / Overnight here
8/30:  Banff / Overnight again
8/31:  Travel Icefields Parkway (Yes, that's what it is called!) to Jasper, AB / Overnight here
9/1:    Jasper National Park, AB / Overnight again
9/2:    Travel to Lake Louise, AB (Looking forward to seeing this beautiful lake) / Overnight here
9/3:    Head toward Calgary / Overnight in Canmore, AB
9/4:    Fly home from Calgary and back to reality.....

All prayers for traveling mercies are appreciated, and please throw in a few for NO close encounters of the grizzly kind (although I hope to see one from a safe distance)!

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