Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Road to Jasper...

Well, today has been an interesting day.....  It started out with rain, but by the time I was half-way to Jasper I was driving in a snow storm!!  From Banff, the road climbs into higher elevations and the Icefields Parkway is a good description.  The mountains were awesome and there were real massive glaciers at the tops of some of them.

The highest elevation is at the Icefields Center where the Athabasca Glacier is.  Unfortunately, I couldn't see any of it because it was snowing so hard!  It was beautiful wet snow and was sticking to the evergreens but not the road (thank goodness!)  My car temperature gauge read 33 degrees.  I stopped at the Icefields Center where you can ride a snowcoach out on to the glacier and it was packed with people.  No way was I doing that today!   I asked at the Park Information Desk if they knew the weather report and what might be happening in Jasper.  They said I was at the highest elevation and Jasper was much lower - it probably was not snowing there.  Very helpful.....  When I walked back out, I snapped a picture of a picnic table that had at least two or more inches on it.  

This was the first time on the trip I had major nerves!!  But, the roads were not slick and I had to go on.  I was back into rain within a few minutes.  WHEW!!  I was glad I had my four wheel drive and I did feel safe.  There were amazing lakes and waterfalls all along the parkway.  Also, I got a glimpse of a black bear.  Cars were off the side of the road, so I knew some animal had been spotted.  I saw him walk into dense woods and then he was gone - no time for a picture.  He was big and shiny black.

As soon as I arrived in Jasper, the rain had eased.  I decided to try the tram ride up the mountain slope.  It was snowing at the top (!!) so visibility was not good.  But it was a fun ride and I saw a cute little Pika (looks sort of like a big hamster) at the top.

The B&B where I am staying is called Raven House.  It is close to downtown and the owners are very friendly and helpful.  There is another couple staying also and believe it or not - the wife grew up in Owensboro!!  She and her husband live in Virginia now, near DC.  We had dinner together this evening.  Tomorrow, it is off to take a boat ride on Maligne Lake - the reason I wanted to see Jasper.  I love this little town.  It is not so touristy as Banff.  I needed to do some laundry and even this was a pleasant experience.  The place was an internet cafe and coffee bar, as well as a laundry!!  You could surf and sip while your clothes were getting clean. 
Glacier on top of the Mountain

Driving the Icefields Parkway in snow....

You are supposed to be able to see a huge glacier here somewhere.....

Peyto Lake - it was cloudy so the beautiful color was not as visible.  It is fed by a glacier which causes the beautiful blue.

Sunwapta Falls

Athabasca Falls

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Banff continued.....

Tuesday, Aug. 30:  Today started out with rain.  Not a good thing, since I had a trail ride scheduled later this afternoon.  I waited until I thought it was clearing off and drove out to see the Vermilion Lakes.  These are a series of wetlands not far from downtown.  Soon after I turned into the lake drive, I saw a huge bolt of lightning and it started hailing!!  It didn't last long, but then the rain continued.  There were several ducks and herons on the lakes, and they were pretty.  Then, I decided to stop at The Cascade Gardens.  That same couple that recommended the scenic route to Banff also recommended this.  It was located near my hotel and it was free!!  (Things are pretty expensive here.)  The gardens were lovely and fortunately had little shelters throughout because it came another shower.  I shared the shelter with a couple visiting from England and we talked about J.K. Rowling, Oxford, Lewis and Tolkien. 

By 4 p.m., the skies seemed to be clearing again, so I headed to the stables for the horse ride and steak fry.  I checked in and told the manager I did not like to get wet.  He said I had the option to take the covered wagon out to the sight instead of the horse.  It started to drizzle.  But, when it was time to mount up, I said I'll take the horse.  His name was Wilson - Mr. Wilson- and he was the biggest horse I've ever ridden.  I had to use a step stool to get on him.  But everyone said he was a very good horse. A few minutes into the ride, it started raining and continued most of the way in.  I had come prepared with coat and hat, so it was tolerable.  The dinner was steak, salad, baked potatoes, and barbecued beans with cupcakes for dessert.  Yum!  We were all glad there was also a fire to dry out by.   I had mostly dried out, except for my jeans, when it was time to ride back.  It drizzled again in the beginning, but then stopped and we finally saw some sun.  Mr. Wilson was a good horse and it was another fun day - in spite of the rain.

Now, we are caught up with the Great Rocky Mountain Adventure.  Tomorrow, I head for the Icefields Parkway and Jasper.  It's supposed to be a little rainy tomorrow too.  

 Vermilion Lakes and Mt. Rundle

Downtown Banff

Adventures in Banff....

Monday, August 29 continued....

After checking into my hotel, I headed for the Banff Gondola.  It goes up to a view point on Sulfur Mountain and overlooks downtown Banff and surrounding mountains.  I also saw the amazing Bow River Falls, which is near downtown.  Also drove by the famous Banff Springs Hotel (a railroad hotel).  I walked around the town for little - it was very crowded. 

 Bow Falls

The famous Banff Springs Hotel

The Road to Banff

Monday, Aug. 29:  The couple that I met on the boat ride on Waterton Lake suggested a different route to Banff - a more scenic route.  I was glad I took their advice.  It starts out on a road called The Cowboy Trail.  There are tall grass prairies on the right and mountains on the left.   Then it heads through amazing mountain scenery all the way to Banff.  I saw several groups of Rocky Mountain Sheep along the road.

More Pictures.....

Having tea at the Prince of Wales - Sunday, Aug. 28.  Everything was great.  
After tea, I took a boat ride on Waterton Lake and met a sweet couple from Colorado.  The weather was great for the boat ride.  Normally, the lake is very windy.  However, that night the winds kicked in and literally howled around the hotel.  The next morning, I went outside to see the sunrise and could barely walk the wind was so strong. 

The sunrise was very pretty over the mountains.


 This is Lake McDonald - the largest lake in Glacier N.P.   One of my first stops along the Going to the Sun Road.  The name of the road fits....

St. Mary's Lake was my favorite.  The water is an incredible shade of blue and it has wonderful little islands.

 This tiny little island is the most famous in St. Mary's Lake called Wild Goose Island. 

This shot was taken along the road to Many Glacier - another section of the park on the western side.  It was on the way to my hotel - The Many Glacier.  This hotel is another built by the railroad for tourists. 

The Many Glacier Hotel

The sunrise at Many Glacier over the lake was magic!  The mountains changed from blue to rosy pink to golden.  Mt. Grinnell is to the right and is a famous peak with a glacier named for it.
The beautiful Prince of Wales Hotel (another built by the railroad) in Waterton, Alberta.  This is where I had tea.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Back To Civilization!

I am back to civilization tonight from the back country!  But what country it is!  I've driven on some of the most beautiful stretches of roadway imaginable.  Today, I was dodging Rocky Mountain Sheep.  I am now in the pretty little town of Banff, Alberta.  It reminds me of Gatlinburg, lined with shops and people.   For the previous two nights, I was in the country of the railroad barons who opened up this country to tourists.  The hotels they built are much the same today.

My hotel here in Banff is perched on the side of a mountain and my window faces a giant gray peak. The weather has been awesome (even a little too hot for me!), but that may change tomorrow.   We are supposed to have some rain. 

I have met some interesting people and I have been blessed with safe travels so far.  I had no way to communicate while deep in the mountains, so I have a lot of catching up to do.  But, I've been driving most all day, and I'm very tired.  I am having a wonderful time.  More tomorrow.... 

Friday, August 26, 2011

My lovely room at Glacier Guides Lodge
Lake McDonald - largest lake in Glacier N.P.
Beautiful sky!

Made It!!

I have arrived!  Flights were perfect and had the row all to myself on both flights - not too many people going to Montana.  My hotel room is great and everyone has been very helpful.  Weather is gorgeous.  I'm heading into the park while daylight permits. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Glacier or Bust!!

I got excited when I saw that I have "followers" now on this blog!  I'm so glad that you will be going along with me on my Rocky Mountain Adventure!  I admit I am having major butterflies (and seriously questioning my sanity) since this is my first big trip on my own.  But I think Russell will be watching over me - I'll be traveling the week of what would have been our 30th anniversary.  I've been planning and researching this trip for years and I do feel as prepared as I can be.

Here is the brief itinerary:
8/26:  Arrive in Kalispell, MT / Overnight near Glacier N.P.
8/27:  Travel through Glacier N. P. on the "Going to the Sun Road" / Overnight in Park
8/28:  Travel to Waterton National Park, Waterton, Alberta (Canada!!) / Overnight here
8/29:  Travel to Banff, AB / Overnight here
8/30:  Banff / Overnight again
8/31:  Travel Icefields Parkway (Yes, that's what it is called!) to Jasper, AB / Overnight here
9/1:    Jasper National Park, AB / Overnight again
9/2:    Travel to Lake Louise, AB (Looking forward to seeing this beautiful lake) / Overnight here
9/3:    Head toward Calgary / Overnight in Canmore, AB
9/4:    Fly home from Calgary and back to reality.....

All prayers for traveling mercies are appreciated, and please throw in a few for NO close encounters of the grizzly kind (although I hope to see one from a safe distance)!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Planning my adventure....

I've just about got everything ready for my Rocky Mountain adventure.  I will leave in 18 days.